Do More with Your Time.
crewHD automates reports, it doesn't just create them. By using intelligently designed work flows around industry best practices, all of your field labor management reports are created automatically without having to duplicate data entry.

Save Time with Data Linking
Utilizing a singular simple data entry that takes less than 3 minutes/day, crewHD replaces several forms that otherwise eat up valuable time. Gathered in the same way projects are built, data is linked to fill out time cards, daily reports, productivity reports, labor forecasts and more for you.

Plan with Precision Using Project Data
An easy way to plan work for each activity's duration or a week or more at a time using real-time project data. Give daily production goals to your crews with the crewHD daily planner. Get aggregate project planners for company manpower planning.

Get Accurate Daily Reports In One Click
We challenge you to find a faster way to get the most accurate daily report/log on the planet. 100% of respondents to our user survey said that crewHD Daily Job Reports is the easiest method for generating Daily Job Reports that they have tried.

Generate Time Cards Automatically
Using crewHD, employee time cards are automatically created for you by pulling real-time data from the activity cards already being filled out daily by your crews. Easily export to your payroll system.

Know Productivity as it Happens
By using crewHD's one step process, you will capture all of the information needed to answer the most important question to your company's profitability: how do we improve productivity? Armed with this information, making work process changes becomes easy and earning higher profits is inevitable.
Get Accurate, Scientific Labor Projections
crewHD is on steroids when it comes to understanding your project labor. We use real-time production data, job observations, and your budget to give you labor projections and forecasts any way, any time.

Track Work Outside of Scope with AWD Reports
Through the singular data entry screen, each crew can assign a work directive to any activity they worked to automatically populate the AWD reports, so you can access the resources expended on a work directive with a click of a button.
crewHD provides you with the keys to consistently improve project performance.

Subcontractor Experts
Knowledgeable support and setup staff.
Experts in your line of work, not just our software.
Guiding your team to maximize outcomes.