Construction Monkey

Letter Template
Reserving Impact Costs

Company NameStreetCity, State Postal Code

Sunday, February 9, 2025

First Name Last Name e: Email
Company Name t: N/A
Street f: N/A
City, State Postal Code
Project: Project
Ref: Reference

Dear First Name:

We are in receipt of your Change Order Change Order Number which compensates us for the direct costs incurred in performing the extra work referred to in that change order. However, as you know, the directive to perform this extra work and the performance of this extra work had such an impact and affect on the performance of the balance of the work on this project that we incurred additional costs and expenses in performing the balance of the contract work which we otherwise would not have incurred.

We understand that this Change Order has been issued so that you can pay us for the direct costs we incurred. We thus are executing and returning to you the Change Order with the understanding that it is limited to that purpose and with the further understanding that we have reserved and preserved our claim for the impact costs which we have incurred and that our right to proceed on our impact claim is not in any way adversely affected by the execution of this Change Order.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Company Name

First Name Last Name
