Company NameStreetCity, State Postal Code |
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
First Name Last Name |
e: Email |
Company Name |
t: N/A |
Street |
f: N/A |
City, State Postal Code |
Project |
Reference |
Dear First Name:
This contract was bid on the basis that Bid Condition. This letter will confirm that we advised you today that we were required to Current Condition. We have had to cease our operations immediately in this area awaiting directions from you as to how to proceed. Please advise us immediately since it is delaying completion of our work. We are entitled to be reimbursed by you for all additional costs incurred as a result of these conditions and we are entitled to an extension of time commensurate with these delays which have already commenced.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Company Name
First Name Last Name